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Selectmen Minutes 01/22/2008

Chichester Board of Selectmen
January 22, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  
Chairman Colbert arrived shortly after 7:00pm.

Selectman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:03pm.

SUBJECT: Department Heads
PRESENT: John Martell, Emergency Management Director, Patrick Clarke, Police Chief, Gilbert Vien, Fire Chief, John Uitts, Deputy Fire Chief, David Kenneally, Road Agent; Stephen Stock, Forest Fire Warden, and Dave Paveglio, Building Inspector

FFW- Mr. Stock reported the tools ordered to outfit the forestry vehicle have been arriving and put into place.  The total expenditure came in $347.00 less than originally quoted.

BI – Mr. Paveglio discussed the change in the law effective January 1, 2008, regarding installers of gas systems must be licensed.  The town will need to inspect these installs going forward.  The Fire Chief will confirm with the Fire Marshall’s office and look at amending the town’s oil burner permit to now include gas burners.

The issue of whether or not the White Birches Condominium project on Joe Austin’s property is vested was discussed.  Mr. Paveglio referred to an opinion of vesting rendered by town counsel in 2006.  Mr. Austin is on the list for an additional three permits this year and has extended his three from last year.  No construction has begun and Mr. Austin has approached the Fire Chief on relocating the fire pond and building a gas station instead.  Lisa will review the file and get back to Mr. Paveglio prior to any further permits being issued.

EMD – Mr. Martell informed the Board of a Public Health Emergency Preparedness training needed for the Selectmen and the Department Heads, sometime in February is the goal.  

The grant for the base unit radio for the Safety Building is going forward this year.  Chichester’s field representative from the Department of Emergency Management, Nancy St. Laurent, is handling the paperwork.  Mr. Martell will be updating the town’s two emergency plans.

PD – Chief Clarke informed the Board that former officer Seluk has been hired by the Barnstead Police Department.  Chichester has her custom fit bullet proof vest.  Is the town willing to sell it to her or the Barnstead department?   The selectmen are willing to offer to sell it to Barnstead, at a pro-rated cost, but will not except less than $300.00.   The vest is less than a year old.

Damage has been done and gas siphoned to the 2007 cruiser, while parked outside at the station.
Patrick has spoken to Gil about moving the forestry pickup outside and parking under a tarp or temporary cover, so that the new cruiser can be parked indoors.  Patrick has priced a metal carport for around $1300 from Dickerson’s Auto but that will not be available until spring.  Gil is in agreement to move the dodge pickup outside.  Originally this truck was to be sold when the military truck was purchased, however the fire department members find the smaller truck easier to handle and the Board agreed to hang on to the truck.  Selectman MacCleery stated the forestry truck could be covered with a tarp as are highway vehicles at the shed.  Mr. Stock offered to store the vehicle at his house and use it for the warden’s vehicle.  Mr. Stock stated the lighter vehicle is a good truck to have.  The truck will remain at the station.
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BOS minutes
January 22, 2008

Patrick discussed the lack of space at the police department and the expansion proposal listed in the Capital Improvements Plan.  This is the same expansion that plans were drawn for. This project is listed for 2009 and Pat would like some input from the Board to get the ball rolling, once town meeting is over.  Selectman DeBold offered to represent the Board on this project.

Patrick informed the Board that an incident surrounding a recent arrest will be reported in the newspaper.  The officer followed protocol, it is unfortunate that the State is suspending licenses and registrations to E-Z pass offenders.

FD – Chief Vien reported overall everything is good.  The correspondence regarding personal property (clothing) was sent to Mr. Stock.  In this case, the clothing was not purchased by the town.  Mr. Stock does not wear this clothing in an official capacity and does not misrepresent himself as a current member of the department.  The town has not received any complaints of Mr. Stock doing so. The town cannot tell former/retired members they cannot wear their personal logo clothing.  Not all clothing is town issued.

A discussion took place regarding the town copyrighting or patenting the fire department emblem, and then it could only be used on town issued clothing.  Is there any liability to the town, should the town no longer allow individuals to purchase their own logo clothing?  No decisions were made this evening.

HYW – Mr. Kenneally reported an incident with the plow truck on Center Road during last Friday’s snow storm.  The shoe on the plow broke and threw up sand just as a car was passing.  The initial report was of three dings to the windshield, but the estimate submitted today, calls for repairs to dings up and down the side of the car.  The claim has been submitted to the insurance company; the police department was notified and has taken a report.
There is evidence that someone has been using the town shed, unauthorized.  Mr. Kenneally has changed the locks and is having the overhead doors hard wired.  

The State rates for plowing were reviewed once again and the Board agreed to pay the contractors $63/per hour, with no standby pay, as long as the town had a signed contract.  The contract protects both the town and the contractor.  

The Winter Maintenance Policy was discussed.  The Board made one revision under the Freezing Rain Storms.  This policy will be voted on next week and put out to the newspaper, website and added to the town report, to ensure notification to the majority of town residents.

The Road Agent voiced his frustration with getting the Plowing of Snow Ordinance enforced.  Residents all over town are plowing their snow into the roads or piling it up across the road from their driveways and the bankings are getting to a point where the highway trucks cannot wing them back.  The drivers do not have the time and should not be stopping to tell people that what they are doing is violating the town ordinance.  The police department has warning slips to issue to violators.  Mr. Kenneally was asked to forward the names of those he is aware of violating the ordinance to the police and the Police Chief will speak to his Officers to be more vigilant with this offense.

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BOS minutes
January 22, 2008

Lastly, the issue of clearing and sanding the walkways and emergency exits for the town buildings was discussed.  In the past, the highway department has taken care of the grange but the other buildings have been on their own.  The need has come for someone to be designated for this work in addition to the highway workers who are out plowing the roads. The intent is not nor has been to pull the drivers off the roads to clear the parking lots, but the Board has to look at this as a safety concern as well.  The Selectmen asked Mr. Kenneally to look into options and give his recommendation to the Board.  In the meantime, the highway department will get the back entrance to the library plowed out.

SUBJECT: Conservation Fund
PRESENT: Conservation Commission members – Jeff Andrews, Bob Man, Gordon Jones, Zach Boyajian, Dawn Marshall and Walter Sanborn

As a result of the recent approval by the Planning Board for the Giuda and Merrill subdivisions, a large part of the property will be coming out of current use taxation and subject to a Land Use Change Tax Penalty.  Due to the size of this project, the town is anticipating an influx in what is typically seen for revenue in this regard.  In looking at this issue, the Selectmen are weighing both the commission’s needs and those of the taxpayers.  The Selectmen have put an article on the warrant to cap the amount of land use change tax revenue transferred to the Conservation Commission fund on a yearly basis.  The Board is seeking input from the commission members as to upcoming projects or long term planning initiatives that would target these monies.  

Comments and concerns from the commission members were; having enough money available to pay for conservation easements and or purchases of identified parcels (per the Natural Resources Inventory) or large tracts of land that may come up for sale.  Keeping the historic, rural and natural character of the town has been identified as a priority with residents per the Master Plan. What money the commission has now is not a lot should a significant property go up for sale.

The Board and the Commission agreed to put forward the article to restrict the revenues transferred to the Conservation Fund, to an annual cap of up to $250,000.  The percentage of 75% of the revenues was not changed.  

SUBJECT: Impact Fee Schedule – Giuda/Merrill
PRESENT: Brad Towle

The Board met with Chairman Towle, in an attempt to confirm whether or not a dollar amount was voted by the Planning Board at their November meeting, for the impact fee to be assessed to the Giuda and Merrill subdivisions.  The Board has been told conflicting information and has filed an appeal to the Board of Adjustment based on the minutes of the Planning Board and Notices of Decisions sent to applicants.  As stated per the minutes, adjustments were needed and corrections were going to be done to the impact fee schedule.  The Selectmen learned nothing this evening to prevent them from going forward with the appeal.


The Board made a final review of the budget.  Lisa informed the Board of the adjustments made to the heat and electric accounts for the Grange and Community Building and the recent information received regarding a $4100, increase to the town’s unemployment premium.  

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BOS minutes
January 22, 2008

The costs are now based on actual payroll as opposed to estimated, together with the recent claims against the town which represent a third of the workforce.  Going forward this premium is expected to remain this high, another reason employee retention is vital to keep benefit costs down.  Motion Chairman Colbert, second Selectman DeBold to propose $1,735,405, as the 2008 operating budget.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.

Next the Board reviewed the warrant articles and made their recommendations for those that have an appropriation.  These recommendations must and will appear on the warrant.  All documents will be prepared for the Public Hearing on February 5, 2008.

There are eighteen zoning articles on the warrant.  The Board discussed the need for the Planning Board to get the information out to the voters prior to Election Day.

Lisa gave a status report on the current zoning violations before the Board;
        Levitina – alleged Home Occupation-the Board has received correspondence from property owner needing review/response by the Board
        Giuda -   alleged Home Occupation-an appoint with the Planning Board has been scheduled
       Doucette – alleged Junkyard/Unregistered vehicles -initial letter has been sent
        763 Second St – construction without a building permit/Site Plan approval-court hearing is scheduled for January 23rd
        Fournier – removal of second dwelling-attorney/judge conference was today
        Douthart – property for sale, accessory trailer must be removed, cannot sell property with both dwellings, still no current contact information

The remaining correspondence was reviewed. Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

The Board approved the minutes of January 2 & January 15, 2008, as written.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 12:06AM.

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens                                                    

______________________    _______________________   _______________________  
David Colbert, Chairman        Richard DeBold                      Stephen MacCleery

                                                                                Approved As Written